Make a Youtube Channel Intro using Kinemaster Online Editing Tips


Make a Youtube Channel Intro using Kinemaster Online Editing Tips
Make a Youtube Channel Intro using Kinemaster Online Editing Tips

Free Kinemaster Online Editing Tips for Create a YouTube Channel Intro in Mobile. Download a Kinemaster Online Editing Tips for YouTube Intro.

Learn how to create a YouTube Channel Intro in Kinemaster. In this kinemaster tutorial we will learn some topics like as how to make intro in kinemaster, Kinemaster Intro, how to make intro, how to make intro for youtube videos, how to make intro for youtube channel, youtube channel intro and more.

Kinemaster Online Editing for YouTube Intro:

YouTube Interface Video

First open the Kinemaster application on your mobile phone. Then create a 16:9 aspect ratio project. Now set a black color as a background. Next insert a YouTube interface image and fit that into full screen.

After that add a video footage and move that into one step background. Now adjust the position of the footage video behind the big rectangular place.

Next add a some images for remaining rectangular areas on this kinemaster editing. Here a I use four images, that’s links are provided in the below of the content.

Then adjust the position of all images behind the all small rectangular areas. After the steps are completed then export the project. This project video is called as YouTube interface video.

YouTube Opener

Now again create a new project as 16:9 aspect ratio, then set a white color background. Next add a red color rectangular image and move that into center.

Then set a 0.7 sec pop in animation for red color red color rectangular image. After 0.7 sec insert a triangular overlay and set that into center. Now set a 0.5 sec slide right in animation in triangular overlay.

After 1.5 sec insert a cursor image and move that into center. Then add a 1.5, 2.5, 2.63, 2.75 secs key frame points in hand cursor image. In 1.5 sec key point move the cursor image into right bottom corner.

Now adjust the size of the cursor image into lightly small in 2.63 key frame point. After that steps are completed, trim the right side area of rectangular and cursor images in 2.75 secs.

Motion Effects

Next add a YouTube interface video on 2.75 secs and adjust that brightness into +50. Now insert your logo, your channel name and subscribe button. Then adjust the position of the all that materials are like as YouTube Video watching page interface.

Next add a subscribed button image above on the subscribe button. Now expand the length of the all layers into the full length of the project. Then set a 3.0, 4.0, 4.12, 4.25 secs key frame points in hand cursor image.

In 4.0, 4.25 secs key points move the position of the cursor image above on the subscribe button. Then adjust the size of cursor image into lightly small in 4.12 secs key point. Now add a 5.25, 5.38, 5.50 key frame points in cursor image.

Next move the position of the cursor image into your logo in 5.25, 5.50 secs key points. Then adjust the size of cursor image into lightly small in 5.38 secs key point. Now finally add a 6.0 key point on cursor image and move that into left down corner.

Next trim the right and left side area of subscribe and subscribed button images in 4.25 secs. Then duplicate your logo image and trim that left side area after 5.50 secs. Now add a 6.5 key point in duplicate logo and move that into center.

After that trim the right side area of your original logo, title name, YouTube interface video and subscribed button in 6.5 secs. Then add a 1.0 sec fade out animation of these all layers.

Final Adjustments

Now insert a text layer and type your channel name in 6.5 secs. Next set a enter slide down in animation with 1.0 sec interval on channel name. Then insert another text layer on 7.5 secs and type your website.

After that set a 1.0 sec fade in animation on website domain name. Now adjust the project length into 10.0 secs and set a audio, video fade out animation with 1.0 sec. Finally add a background music and export the project as 4K quality.

Yasir Ali

Studying Software Engineering

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